Master server

MAster is up Lies lies i tell you nah i dont relly no i dont get even 1 server :(


  • then go cry in a corner and deal with your own fail, since you obviously didnt bother to read any of the instructions correctly ;)
  • I thought the general idea was to be nice to the new members of our community?

    (1) Did you download and install this patch:
    (2) If so, make sure that windows firewall is not blocking the Tribes application. Add an exception if you have too.
    (3) Tribes Next will NOT work on a proxy server, so you need to connect direct to the internet.

    If that doesn't work, well, it's the end of my knowledge in this area, so see post 2.
  • The general idea was never to be nice.
    The general idea is to be Constructive.

    Although we don't see that much either, but who cares anyway.
  • How in the world are we suppose to "Construct" our community base, if we flip off every noob that comes through here!?
  • Our community base is just fine, anyone uncapable of fitting in the forums could perfectly well fit in the game, take me as an example, I don't really fit in T2's social athmosphere (and I never did, that's why when I played I never did it in any server other than mine) but I do fit here.

    It's something about the forums not being plagued by retards and stuff like that that makes both athmospheres completely different.
  • It's something about the forums not being plagued by retards and stuff like that that makes both athmospheres completely different.

    lol what
    This forums has so much drama, and more pointless posts/threads than I can count

    It's best to be nice to new people.. so.. yeah. You need TribesNext to see servers. There's a FAQ at
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