New Product

Billy Mays here with a fantastic new product! It's the triangular pad. Yes, no longer you have to slave over sizing those squares to fit into a triangular roof!

Just kidding. I wish there was a triangular pad. :mad:


  • "Ya. why use that shit when you can use my shit thats right..."

    Ya I wish there was too :(

    Don't you think they would have added them a long time ago if it was that simple?
  • Triangular pads would be easy to do, but would make the mod client side (custom shapes).
  • Triangular pads would be easy to do, but would make the mod client side (custom shapes).
  • A clientside version of quantium had triangular and circle pads.
  • Quantium didn't have triangular pads, it had auto-filling, which was pretty innovative, but was a killer for piece counts, it took 20 lsb's to fill a triangle, and it didn't even fill it right, lol.

    But it was something.

    Or are you talking about a clientside version that I never figured existed?
  • I don't think a client side con mod would be that bad. It seems that there are more and more construction servers popping up all the time, if someone wanted an open, serverside, there are plenty to choose from.

    But for those in the community who have mastered construction, and are ready to go to the next level, I think a client side mod with things as described above would be a good addition.
  • Next level? If you are a master, triangles are no problem (or at least, not a major one).

    Plus, sharing creations in the virtual world is a lot more fun than showing off pictures.
  • Or someone could make a decent script to fill triangles...

    A clientside mod purely for triangle shapes isn't worth it.. It'd need more magic for me to bother downloading it.
  • Or are you talking about a clientside version that I never figured existed?

    Read what I said again. Back in the day... Quantium 3.0 I think it was, there was a second version of it that was clientside. It had triangle and circle pads.
  • What about triangle pads being part of SI?

    I mean, it could be possible, right?, after all, it should become a must-have.
  • Read what I said again. Back in the day... Quantium 3.0 I think it was, there was a second version of it that was clientside. It had triangle and circle pads.

    Quantium 3.0, and Quantium X, in an early version.
  • Well, other construction mods like G-Mod and Battlefield 2's Sandbox require extra client-side files to be downloaded. Why not make the TX server client-side?
  • True triangle pads would require a fair amount of majiks to do.
    Remember, there are lots of different style triangles, other than the standard right-triangle you are probably crying about.
  • Right angled and Equilateral will keep us happy.
  • I demand my isosceles!
  • Scalene por favor
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